Canvas tag not supported

space-drag to pan (TODO - outline area in small view)

alt-space-drag to zoom

click on toolbar to select tool

click on colour palette to select colour

x to flip to most recently used colour

alt-click on pixel to select pixel colour

while using pencil tool, ctrl- or right-click to erase, shift-click to simple-dither

drop png/jpg/gif into edit area to import

ctrl-z/x/c/v to undo/cut/copy/paste

click on layer to select

drag layer handle (=) to reorder

click on eye to toggle visibility

click save to save .plx (TODO - name dialog)

click export to save .png of visible layers (TODO - name dialog)

drop .plx into main edit area to load

click new/trash to create/delete layer
(either an image layer or a mode filter)

Save Export toggle scale
Canvas tag not supported

The current layer will be deleted. Are you sure?

The current layer will be merged with the one below. Are you sure?

Active Layer Properties

Type: Image Layer

Pixel shape1x1

Active Layer Properties

Type: Hi5OnKoala Filter

Hi5 colours
Detail colour1
D021 (Koala bg)2

Every 2x1 pixel area in the Hi5 region (middle 12 columns) contains colours drawn either from the Hi5 palette or from (detail colour+bonus colour). Exception: the first and last Hi5 colour can never be paired.

1must be one of the middle three Hi5 colors.

2Needs to be one of the remaining middle three if each char is to have its own bonus colour. If that rule is broken, then the bonus colour for every char is the d021 value.

Active Layer Properties

Type: Koala Filter

D021 (background)